What Can You Do To Build A Partnership With Your Child’s Daycare Teacher?

Your child's daycare teacher plays an important role in his or her development. Therefore, it is crucial that you and the teacher establish a partnership when it comes to taking care of your child. Building a partnership can take time and if your child is only going to be in daycare for the next year, you have a short period of time to do so. Here are a few suggestions you can use to help build a partnership in a relatively short period of time. Read More 

Tips To For Switching Your Toddler From Home Care To Day Care

One of the hardest times for you and your toddler will be when you make the switch from taking care of them at home to using day care. As hard as it may seem for your toddler, it can actually be harder for you as a parent to make the big switch. For those parents that are going back to work after being home with your toddler for quite some time, these tips can help make the transition easier. Read More 

Helping Your Child Get Used To Separation In Anticipation For Starting Daycare

If you are planning on returning to the workforce after taking time off to stay at home with your child for a few years, you may consider sending them to a daycare program during the hours you are at your job. Separating from your child is bound to make you a bit nervous, as you will not be sure how they will react if they are not used to having time apart from your for an extensive amount of time. Read More