Helping Your Child Transition To Daycare

For a child, spending the day at a daycare center is very different from spending the day at home. Not only are they away from their parent at daycare, but they have to interact with other kids, spend a lot of their time learning, and respect the caregivers or teachers. Thankfully, there are steps you can take, as a parent, to help smooth out this transition from time at home to time in daycare. Read More 

Preschool: Why To Do It And How To Make A Half Day Program Work

Education is a critical part of a child's life. It doesn't just start when a child enters Kindergarten. Children are learning from the time they are born. Human brains develop the most from birth until age 5. A child's early experiences have the potential to shape the rest of their lives. Every parent wants what is best for their child. Some parents choose to stay home with their young children while others choose an in-home child care provider or a daycare center for their child. Read More