Three Effective Post-Naptime Activities For Daycares

Understanding how a daycare structures its typical daily routines can give you confidence that your child is in good hands. Generally, a daycare will follow a schedule that includes things such as meals and snacks, education, indoor and outdoor playtime, and naptime. Choosing a daycare that promotes naptime is important for parents of younger children, but it's also important to know how the daycare approaches post-naptime activities. Here are some potential activities that may occur immediately after naptime — and why they're a good choice for your child. Read More 

Is You Child Ready For Kindergarten?

Does your child start kindergarten soon? Either way, you are probably already realizing that the time will pass very rapidly until his or her first day at real school. Maybe you are feeling that your little boy or your little girl is not quite ready to enter a kindergarten classroom. If so, from forming a preschool at your home this summer or in the fall to enrolling your child in a preschool program, here are some ideas that might help you. Read More